Why I Chose to Cancel Nadine West

If you read my previous post, you're well aware of the differences between Nadine West and Stitch Fix, and how my vote leaned toward Stitch Fix. Well, I've finally reached a point that I no longer see a reason to receive Nadine West at all. Let me explain.
I tried to cancel once, explaining that Nadine West didn't fit my style, how I felt like my feedback wasn't being read, so they responded with giving me a permanent 10% discount and to have a senior stylist look at my Pinterest board to get a better idea of what I like. I have seen no changes since. I received one top last time that I actually liked and kept; I even got complements on it! But, that was also with pairing it with a matching Stitch Fix cardigan ;) Accessories DO make a difference. This shipment I received 9 items and all I decided to keep was a scarf that I really won't even wear until Fall comes around again. If I didn't already have $10 invested in the shipment, I might otherwise have kept nothing. Below is what was included in my shipment:
To say the least, I wasn't impressed. A plain large red top that was also a size bigger than me?! What was I going to do with that? The skirt was the only thing that was a maybe, but I just really didn't have a top to match it that I thought looked good on me as an outfit. The scarf is pretty colors which is why I kept that. Otherwise, to be blunt, everything was just junk. Let me just name a few features they don't have that other clothing subscriptions DO have:
You don't really have a personal stylist. There is no one that connects to you about their clothing choices for you or to give you style advice on how to pair new pieces. Instead, it seems as though someone is randomly assigned to you with Nadine West, and their choices seem like a free-for-all!
You can't exchange items. Say that you do receive an item you like, but you need it in a different size - there's no option for exchanging; you either take it or leave it.
The shipments and charge dates aren't predictable. You can't choose the date you will receive your shipment, just an average every 2-4 weeks. Then, they don't tell you when they will charge you. They have a charge by date, but they never charge by that date. They end up not charging you until you're about to have your next shipment sent. Let's just hope you have money in the bank once they decide to charge!
You can't request specific items. If you have a special event coming up that you want something to wear to it, there's no one to speak to about your requests for a dress (for example). You either randomly get one or you don't.
Last thing is that you can't shop in between shipments. If you need something before your next shipment, there's no availability to browse their warehouse to pick out something you'd like to receive.
Now you might be thinking these are very specific things. Well, they are for a reason; Stitch Fix does ALL of these things. I plan to share some future fixes, and my thought process in deciding whether to keep or send back an item. Here's the latest item I received from Stitch Fix:

This is the West Kei Allura Knot Detail Blouse in yellow. This was a part of the preview of 10 items that was available for me to choose from before my stylist made her final selections of 5 items for my box. She picked it for me, and I agreed to receive it and loved it! The fit was great. The knot detail was a great addition. It fit loosely but not too loose. It's also a perfect color for spring and summer! Next week, I will share with you my box selected by my stylist again with 1 item that I chose from her first choice of 10 items :)
Thanks for stopping by! Happy shopping :)