Creativity Never Sleeps!
How often do you find that you have an idea in mind for a card, but once you sit down to make it, your mind just goes blank? Yeah... it happens to me more than I'd like to admit! Happened to me last night when I finally sat down to make a card for a fellow blogger friend of mine. I even started the process with a color palette and card sketch in mind... but I just wasn't happy with the final product.
Long story short, it wasn't until 2am this morning, when I woke up to grab a drink and a snack, that ideas flooded my mind. Maybe it was the sugar, lol, but any who, I got right to work, using the same sketch as before (with a few tweaks), adjusting the color palette just a bit, and throwing in a few new techniques that I hadn't used before... and voila! The card was done :)
Now, how many of you find that your most creative ideas come to you when you should be sleeping? lol! That's why one of my favorite quotes is...
... because it's true! And THAT is what I am going to blame for my constant insomnia ;)